Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak

Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak
Minyak zaitun sudah sangat terkenal dibidang perawatan rambut, karena kaya akan kandungan vitamin A, E, C yang dapat memberikan nutrisi pada kulit rambut dan juga rambut yang rusak tersebut. Dengan menggunakan minyak zaitun sebagai masker yang dilakukan secara rutin maka rambut yang dulunya rusak, rontok, kering dan bercabang akan segera sehat kembali dengan cepat. Cara menggunakannya sama seperti masker rambut atau hair energy pada umumnya, setelah keramas usap rambut dengan lembut menggunakan handuk sampai agak kering, kemudian oleskan minyak zaitun di kulit kepala dan pijat secara perlahan dan rata. Lakukan pijatan selama 5-10 menit dan oleskan minyak zaitun keseluruh helai rambut agar nutrisi dapat diserap oleh kulit kepala dan helai rambut. Lalu diamkan selama 15 menit dan bilas dengan air bersih. Sungguh mudah bukan? Lakukan secara runtin agar hasilnya maksimal.
cara merawat dan mengatasi rambut rusak dan bercabang menggunakan lidah buaya. Menggunakan lidah buaya merupakan cara alami yang bisa digunakan, karena kandungan getahnya yang sudah terbukti dapat menghitamkan rambut dan membuat rambut lurus dan sehat. Caranya sangat mudah, ambil lidah buaya yang ukurannya besar karena batang lidah buaya yang ukurannya besar pastinya batang tersebut mengandung lebih banyak vitamin E. Lalu potong menjadi beberapa bagian dan belah, oleskan getahnya ke kulit kepala dan lakukan pijatan dengan lembut. Namun sebelumnya rambut anda harus sudah dibilas terlebih dahulu dengan air hangat dan keringkan setengah kering. Setelah melakukan pijatan dengan getah lidah buaya, oleskan ke seluruh helai rambut. Kemudian diamkan selama 20 menit lalu bilas dengan air bersih. Usahakan lakukan secara rutin 2-3 kali seminggu dalam sebulan dan lihat hasilnya.

Lirik Lagu Bloom - The Paper Kites



In the morning when I wake
And the sun is coming through,
Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,
And you fill my head with you.

Shall I write it in a letter?
Shall I try to get it down?
Oh, you fill my head with pieces
Of a song I can't get out.

Can I be close to you?
Ooh-oo-oo-ooh, ooh
Can I be close to you?
Ooh, ooh.

Can I take you to a moment
Where the fields are painted gold
And the trees are filled with memories
Of the feelings never told?

When the evening pulls the sun down,
And the day is almost through,
Oh, the whole world it is sleeping,
But my world is you.

Can I be close to you?
(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).
Can I be close to you?
(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).


Can I be close to you?
(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).
Can I be close to you?
(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).

Can I be close to you?
Ooh, ooh.

Lirik Lagu Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Than somebody bends

Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will arise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast 

Resep Choco Lava

Resep Lava Cake Coklat Mudah dan Enak

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan
  • dark cooking chocolate 150 gram
  • mentega tawar 75 gram
  • telur 4 butir
  • garam 1/4 sendok teh
  • gula pasir 125 gram
  • tepung terigu 75 gram (protein sedang)
  • baking powder 1/2 sendok teh
  • Bahan Taburan
  • Gula Donat 1/2 sendok makan
  • kayu manis bubuk 1/2 sendok teh
Cara Membuat Lava Cake
  1. Pertama-tama potong dark chocolate dan lelehkan bersama mentega dalam satu wadah dengan menggunakan air panas. Pastikan sampai benar-benar larut.
  2. Dengan menggunakan wadah berbeda kocok telur bersama garam dan gula pasir selama kurang lebih 5 menit sampai kental. Setelah itu tambahkan tepung terigu dan baking powder. Ayak dan aduk sampai tercampur rata.
  3. Tambahkan campuran mentega dan dark chocolate tadi kedalam adonan. Aduk lagi sampai tercampur rata.
  4. Tuangkan adonan kedalam cetakan muffin (pendek) yang sebelumnya telah diolesi margarin.
  5. Masukan adonan kedalam oven dan aturlah suhunya pada 190 derajat celcius. Tunggu selama 13 menit.
  6. Ambil lava cake dari dalam oven, balik dan letakan pada piring saji
  7. Lava cake siap disajikan dengan ditaburi bahan taburan diatasnya.

Resep Cheese Cake


  1. Seperti resep cake lembut lainnya, bahan utama yang dibutuhkan adalah tepung terigu yang mempunyai kandungan protein rendah kurang lebih sebanyak 130 gram. Kalau perlu tepung diayak terlebih dahulu supaya benar benar halus.
  2. Keju yang berbentuk cream atau biasa dikenal juga dengan cream cheese kualitas bagus kurang lebih sebanyak 200 gram saja. Teman teman bisa membeli atau membuat nya sendiri di rumah.
  3. Telur ayam ukuran sedang besar kurang lebih sebanyak 5 butir.
  4. Gula pasir yang berwarna putih atau agak kuning kualitas bagus kurang lebih sebanyak 200 gram. Jangan menggunakan gula kuning yang jelek karena aroma tebunya bisa merusak cita rasa kue cheese cakenya.
  5. Unsalted Butter atau dikenal juga dengan mentega tawar kurang lebih sebanyak 130 gram saja.
  6. Keju parmesan atau keju keras untuk menguatkan aroma dan rasa cheese nya kurang lebih sebanyak 1 sendok makan saja.
  7. Susu cair kurang lebih sebanyak 160 ml saja.
  8. Garam dapur beryodium secukupnya atau kurang lebih setengah sendok kecil saja.
  9. Kertas roti secukupnya untuk alas loyang.
  10. Aluminium foil untuk melapisi bagian luar loyang bongkar pasang.

Cara Mudah Membuat Cheese Cake

  1. Langkah pertama adalah melelehkan atau mencairkan mentega tawarnya dengan cara dipanaskan sampai cair.
  2. Siapkan satu tempat dan tuang tepung terigu lalu mentega tawar yang sudah dicairkan. Aduk aduk sampai semua bahan tercampur rata.
  3. Rebus susu cair sebentar sampai panas dan masukkan cream cheese yang sudah dipersiapkan. Kocok sebentar kedua bahan tersebut.
  4. Masukkan telur ayam dan garam dapur beryodium,yang sudah disiapkan kedalam adonan pertama lalu kocok ketiga bahan tersebut sampai setengah mengembang.
  5. Masukkan gula pasir dan keju permesan yang sudah dipersiapkan ke dalam adonan tepung dan telur diatas. Kocok kembali semua bahan sampai mengembang.
  6. Campur adonan tepung dan cheese cake nya dan aduk aduk sampai semua bahan benar benar tercampur rata.
  7. Siapkan loyang yang akan dipakai dan beri alas kertas roti bagian dalam dan aluminium foil 2-3 lapis untuk bagian luarnya supaya tidak bocor.
  8. Masukkan adonan cheese cake ke dalamnya dan taruh lagi ke dalam loyang biasa yang diberi air.
  9. Masukkan ke dalam oven dan atur suhunya jangan sampai terlalu panas atau sekitar 155 – 165 celcius selama 37-43 menit.
  10. Setelah kue matang, jangan dikeluarkan dulu dan biarkan agak dingin di dalam oven.
  11. Setelah dingin, keluarkan loyang dan masukkan sebentar ke dalam lemari pendingin sebelum dilepaskan dari loyang bongkar pasang supaya tidak rusak.

Resep Belgian Waffle

Bahan untuk membuatnya:
  • 100 gram tepung terigu serba guna
  • 25 gram tepung Maizena
  • 1 butir telur besar, pisahkan antara kuning dan putihnya
  • 1/2 sdt Garam
  • 1/2 sdt Baking Powder
  • 1/4 sdt Baking Soda
  • 240 ml susu cair
  • 6 sdm minyak sayur
  • 1 sdm Gula pasir
  • 1/2 sdt vanilla bubuk
Cara untuk membuatnya:

  • Panaskan cetakan waffle pada suhu 150 derajat Celcius.
  • Campurkan bahan-bahan kering seperti tepung terigu, tepung maizena, baking powder, baking soda dan garam menjadi satu; lalu ayak.
  • Campurkan kuning telur yang sudah dipisahkan dari putihnya dengan susu cair dan minyak sayur.
  • Di wadah yang terpisah, kocok putih telur sampai mulai mengembang. Sambil terus dikocok, masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit dan kocok terus hingga busa putih telur itu kaku, tambahkan juga vanila bubuk
  • Satukan adonan bahan-bahan basah yaitu campuran susu cair, minyak sayur dan kuning telur ke dalam adonan bahan-bahan kering yang sudah diayak tadi. Aduk dengan mixer hingga adonannya tercampur rata.
  • Setelah tercampur rata masukkan juga putih telur yang sudah dikocok bersama gula dan vanilla tadi ke dalam adonan. Perlahan-lahan aduk dengan spatula hingga adonannya menyatu.
  • Oleskan mentega pada cetakan waffle yang sudah dipanaskan sebelum mulai memasak waffle. Setelah diolesi mentega, tuang adonan waffle secukupnya ke dalam cetakan.
  • Masak hingga berwarna kecoklatan dan bagian luarnya mulai mengeras.
  • Angkat waffle yang sudah jadi dan sajikan dengan topping pilihanmu.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

"Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did"

Time for a little revenge

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and...
I had it all, I had him right there where I wanted him
She came along, got him alone and let's hear the applause
She took him faster than you could say "sabotage"

I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum
She underestimated just who she was stealing from

She's not a saint
And she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known
For the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't
Make you many friends
She should keep in mind
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge

She looks at life like it's a party and she's on the list
She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
I think her ever-present frown is a little troubling
And she thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things

But sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know
Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go
They wouldn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me
But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity

She's not a saint
And she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known
For the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't
Make you many friends
She should keep in mind
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge

I'm just another thing for you
To roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him but haven't you heard
I'm just another thing for you
To roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him but I always get the last word
"Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did"

Time for a little revenge

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and...
I had it all, I had him right there where I wanted him
She came along, got him alone and let's hear the applause
She took him faster than you could say "sabotage"

I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum
She underestimated just who she was stealing from

She's not a saint
And she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known
For the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't
Make you many friends
She should keep in mind
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge

She looks at life like it's a party and she's on the list
She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
I think her ever-present frown is a little troubling
And she thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things

But sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know
Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go
They wouldn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me
But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity

She's not a saint
And she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known
For the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't
Make you many friends
She should keep in mind
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge

I'm just another thing for you
To roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him but haven't you heard
I'm just another thing for you
To roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him but I always get the last word
Your on the phone
With your girlfriend she's upset
She's going on about something that you said
She doesnt get your humor like I do

I'm in the room
Its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

'Coz she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find
That what your looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see that
I'm the on who understands you
Been here all along
So why cant you seeeeeeeee
You belong with meeeeeee
You belong with me

Walk in the streets
With you and your worn-out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin' to myself
Hey isn't this eaaaaaasyyyyy

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in a while
Since she brought you down
You say your fine
I know your better than that
Hey what your doing with a girl like that

Yeah she wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming 'bout the day
When you wake up and find
That what your looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you seeeeeeee
You belong with meeeeeeeeeeeee
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time how could you not of known
Babyyyyyyyyy you belong with meeeeeee
You belong with meeeee

Ooooooh I remember you drive into my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one that makes you laugh
When you know 'bout to cry
I know your favourite song
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know its with mee

Cant you see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why cant you seeeeee
You belong with meeeeeeee

Standing by and waititng at your backdoor
All this time how couls you not of known
Babyyyyy you belong with meee

You belong with me
Your on the phone
With your girlfriend she's upset
She's going on about something that you said
She doesnt get your humor like I do

I'm in the room
Its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

'Coz she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find
That what your looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see that
I'm the on who understands you
Been here all along
So why cant you seeeeeeeee
You belong with meeeeeee
You belong with me

Walk in the streets
With you and your worn-out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin' to myself
Hey isn't this eaaaaaasyyyyy

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in a while
Since she brought you down
You say your fine
I know your better than that
Hey what your doing with a girl like that

Yeah she wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming 'bout the day
When you wake up and find
That what your looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you seeeeeeee
You belong with meeeeeeeeeeeee
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time how could you not of known
Babyyyyyyyyy you belong with meeeeeee
You belong with meeeee

Ooooooh I remember you drive into my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one that makes you laugh
When you know 'bout to cry
I know your favourite song
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know its with mee

Cant you see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why cant you seeeeee
You belong with meeeeeeee

Standing by and waititng at your backdoor
All this time how couls you not of known
Babyyyyy you belong with meee

You belong with me